View Documents

Some jobs may information upload to them via a document. This could be documents on the Building, the quote selected or even the job itself and it may be a requirement to view these documents. This can be done using the "View Documents" button.
1. On the Job Detail screen, select the "View Documents" button to display any documents relating to the job.

2. The list of documents displayed are all documents related to the job. This includes Building documents, quotes etc. Each document can be viewed by selecting the "View" button next to the relevant document. By default, this screen shows all documents related to the job but these can hidden by clicking the "(Hide related documents)" button. Once clicked this displays only documents uploaded directly to the job.

When on the list of documents uploaded directly to the job, documents can be viewed by the normal means and the "(Hide related documents)" button reverts to the "(Show related documents)" button. Clicking this will display all documents relating to the job again.

3. When finished viewing the documents, click "Done" to return to the Job Detail page.