Upload Catalogue

After the Supplier has made the changes to the file and needs apply the adjustments to the system, they require the ability to upload the Catalogue. This can be done using the "Upload Catalogue" button.
1. On the View Catalogue screen, select the "Upload Catalogue" button to display the Upload Catalogue page.

2. Here, the User will be able to browse for the file and upload it. This is the same process as the "Create Catalogue" process so choose the file and whether there are any new images required. Finally click "Submit Catalogue Upload" to upload the Catalogue

Note: When uploading items to a Catalogue that are actually changes that need to be from a specific date, please ensure to fill in the Effective From Date column on the spreadsheet before uploading.
3. After the Catalogue is updated, it then goes through the approval process. It needs to be approved before any changes are seen.
Note: If the items being uploaded use the same Codes as existing items in the Catalogue that is being updated, an email will be returned stating that the upload did complete. This also happens now if the User did not provide images for their items among other scenarios. Examples below:

All the uploaded items are missing images. You must supply an image for every item you upload
All the uploaded items are duplicates. This can happen if you download an existing catalogue and upload it as a new one, or if you submit a new catalogue twice and the first submission has yet to be approved