Remove Task Types

    Click on the Actions button next to the Work Order Types, Sub Work Order Types and Equipment/Service Types field.

    This menu will be displayed:

    Click Remove Task(s) from the menu options.  This window will open:

    This displays all the task types currently on the selected SRA. Select all of the task types to be removed from the SRA.
    By using the quick search box at the bottom of this window the User can search for a specific word to aid them finding task types more easily.  Use the chevrons to move through the list of applicable items.  If the User would like to remove all tasks from the SRA then click the "Select All" hyperlink.
    After selecting the task types to be removed click OK.  The User will then be presented with an "Are you Sure" Message.  Clicking Yes will save any changes, clicking No will return to the previous screen.
    Clicking Yes will remove the selected task(s) and will also remove any Buildings associated with it.
    Clicking Cancel will take the User back to the main SRA Scope page.