
Audits Introduction

About the Audits (RFI - Requests For Information) Module   The purpose of this module is to allow a mechanism to support the ability to create a set of questions for any set of Users to be asked at a given point in time during the work order work... Read More

List Work Orders Marked for Audit

After Work Orders have been marked to be audited, the User can view all these Work Orders through the Audit module using the "List Work Orders Marked for Audit" button. The Work Orders will then be displayed in list format along with the date they... Read More

Desktop Audits

Within the Audits module is a section called Desktop Audits. Desktop Audits are used as a way to allow Clients to systematically choose random subsets of data to perform manual audits on the data integrity entered by others. There are three kind of... Read More

List Work Orders Pending Audit

In the Audit module of the system, there is also a list to see which WOs are pending Audit. This can be viewed using the List Work Orders Pending Audit button.   Read More