Copy Task Type SLR’s

After adding an SLR to a task type on the SRA the User can copy this to other task types. This can be done in the following way:
1. Highlight the Task line that is going to be copied.

2. Click the Actions button. This menu will be displayed:

3. Click on the Copy Task Type SLR's To Task Type(s) menu option.  This window will then open:

4. Tick any task types that the new SLR's will apply to by clicking on the tick box on the left hand side of the window.  Clicking on the Work Order Type will automatically tick every Sub Work Order Type and Equipment/Service Types underneath it.  Clicking on a Sub Work Order Type will automatically tick any Equipment/Service Types underneath it.  Alternatively, the User can click on individual Equipment/Services Types separately.  If the User would like to apply this SLR to everything they can click on the "Select All" hyperlink.
5. Once the User has selected all Task Types click on OK. The User will then be presented with an "Are you Sure" Message.  Clicking Yes will save any changes and apply the new SLR values, clicking No will return to the previous screen.