Setting the attendance time

When providing a start time, the first thing that is required is the PTW (Permit To Work) number. This is a unique 6 digit number found at the bottom of the Permit To Work book. The name of this may change depending on the Client connected as this can be changed if required.
The system checks the number validity of the entered Permit Number. If the number is incorrect, press 1 to re-enter the number or to press 0 to contact the helpdesk for some assistance.
If the number entered is correct, the system then checks the number against the Building to see if there is any Asbestos present at this site.
If there may be Asbestos present then the system will provide a message to make sure to reference the Asbestos register before commencing work at this site.
If Asbestos is not present then a message is said stating that no identified Asbestos is present.
The next message states that if the work is likely to exceed £500 then contact to the Helpdesk is required, along with providing the number. If any of the works exceed this cost and have not been authorised then these works will not be paid.
The system then updates the Work Order with the start time.
Finally, the system will end the call.