System Permissions

About the System Permissions
This section explains the different Permissions used throughout the system. It defines:
·What the purpose of each Permission is
·The different areas that the Permissions affect
·The dependencies that each Permission requires to function
Permission Administration Levels
Permissions have a level value which is known as an Administration Level. The Administration Level on a Permission determines which Profiles (and therefore Users) can use/view that Permission.
This is determined by giving the Permission a value from between 1 and 10. If a Permission has a level of 10, it can be seen by all Users who are at Administration Level 10 and lower but if a Permission has a level of 1, it can only be seen by Users who are at Administration Level 1.
In short: the lower the Administration Level, the more power the User has.
See the example table below for more information:
The higher the number:

The lower the privileges: