
Permission Name Associated Category Purpose Dependencies
Can Create Request For Information Audits Provides the ability to perform every function in the Audit Tab.  
Can Create WorkOrder Audit Group Definition Audits    
Can Edit Request For Information Audits Provides ability to edit the selected Questionnaire and to preview how it will appear. Enables the Questionnaire List button in Audit tab and when an Questionnaire has been opened it enables the Edit Questionnaire and Preview Questionnaire buttons.  
Can Edit Submitted Request For Information Audits Ability to edit the answers to previously submitted questionnaires  
Can Edit WorkOrder Audit Group Definition Audits    
Can Preview Request For Information Audits Allows User to preview how the selected Questionnaire will look/currently looks. Enables Preview Questionnaire button after opening a Questionnaire Can View Request For Information
Can View Request For Information Audits Allows User to view Questionnaires selected from the Questionnaire List. Enables Questionnaire List button in the Audit tab  
Can View Request For Information Answers Audits Ability to view Questionnaire answers in events against a Work Order on the Web Portal Can List Work Orders
Can View Request For Information List Audits Allows User to view the Questionnaire List. Enables Questionnaire List button in the Audit tab  
Can View WorkOrder Audit Group Definition Audits