Core Data

Permission Name Associated Category Purpose Dependencies
Can Add Documents Core Data Provides the ability to add Documents throughout the system  
Can Allocate Dynamic Execution To Profile Core Data    
Can Associate Asbestos Risks Core Data    
Can Associate Asbestos Status Core Data Ability to tick and untick Asbestos Statuses. Enables the Building button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Asbestos Types Core Data Ability to tick and untick Asbestos Types. Enables the Building button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Asset Conditions Core Data Ability to tick and untick Asset Conditions for the Management Company. Enables the Types & Formats button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Asset Risks Core Data Ability to enable/disable Asset Risks for use in the system  
Can Associate Attendance Paused Reasons Core Data Ability to enable/disable Attendance Paused Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can Associate Audit Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick Audit Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Authorisation Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick Authorisation Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Building Types and Formats Core Data Ability to tick and untick Building types and formats for a client. Enables the Types & Formats button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Contact Types Core Data Allows User to tick and untick contact types against a client. Enables Contact Types button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Contract Cancellation Reasons Core Data Ability to enable/disable Contract Cancellation Reasons for use in the system  
Can Associate Contractor Zones Core Data    
Can Associate Core Data Core Data Performs no action on its own, however it is a requirement to enable the ‘Can Associate’ permissions within Core Data  
Can Associate Countries Core Data Ability to tick and untick Countries in Core Data. Enables the System button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Credit Note Reasons Core Data    
Can Associate Currencies Core Data Ability to tick and untick Currencies in Core Data. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Custom Email Templates Core Data    
Can Associate Document Types Core Data Ability to tick and untick Document Type in Core Data. Enables the Document Types button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Equipment/Service Types Core Data Allows User to tick and untick equipment and service types against a client. Enables the Equipment/Service Types button in Core Data  Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Estates Core Data    
Can Associate F-Gas Leak Detection Methods Core Data Ability to tick and untick F-Gas Leak Detection Methods in Core Data. Enables the Asset button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate F-Gas Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick F-Gas Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate F-Gas Types Core Data Ability to tick and untick F-Gas Types in Core Data. Enables the Asset button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Fix Types Core Data Ability to tick and untick Fix Types in Core Data. Enables the Equipment & Services button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Invoice Unallocated Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick Invoice Unallocated Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Invoice Unapproved Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick Invoice Unapproved Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Locations Core Data Provides ability to tick and untick locations for a client. Enables Locations button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Notifications Core Data Allows User to tick and untick notifications against a client and enables the Notifications button in the Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Operational Zones Core Data    
Can Associate Payment Terms Core Data Provides the ability to tick and untick payment terms for a client. Enables the Payment Terms button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Planned Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick Planned Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Portal FAQs Core Data Ability to tick and untick Portal FAQs in Core Data. Enables the System button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Ppm Task Groups Core Data    
Can Associate Profiles Core Data Ability to tick and untick profiles against a client. Enables Profiles button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Purchase Units Core Data Ability to tick and untick Purchase Units in Core Data. Enables the Part button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Purchasing Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick Purchasing Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Purchasing Return Reasons Core Data Ability to enable/disable Purchasing Return Reasons in the system  
Can Associate Purchasing Work Order Priorities Core Data Ability to enable/disable Work Order Priorities in the system (Purchasing)  
Can Associate Quote Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick Quote Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Reactive Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick Reactive Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Reactive Work Order Priorities Core Data Ability to enable/disable Work Order Priorities in the system (Reactive)  
Can Associate Regions Core Data Ability to tick and untick Portal FAQs in Core Data. Enables the System button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Resource Groupings Core Data Ability to tick and untick Resource Groupings in Core Data. Enables the Resource button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Review Departments Core Data Ability to tick and untick Review Departments in Core Data. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Standards and Legislation Core Data Provides User with the ability to tick and untick standards & legislations against a client. Enables the Standards & Legislation button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Symptoms Core Data Ability to enable/disable Reactive Work Order Symptoms in the system  
Can Associate System Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick System Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Tax Codes Core Data Ability to tick and untick Tax Codes in Core Data. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Unit of Issue Core Data Ability to tick and untick Units of Issue in Core Data. Enables the Part button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Units Of Measurement Core Data Allows Users to tick and untick measurement units for a client and enables the Measurement Units button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Work Order Not Done Reasons Core Data    
Can Associate Work Order Refusal Reasons Core Data Ability to tick and untick Work Order Refusal Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Work Order Type Groups Core Data    
Can Associate Work Order Types Core Data Ability to tick and untick work order types against a client. Enables Work Order Types button in Core Data tab Can Associate Core Data
Can Associate Zero Accrual Reasons Core Data    
Can Create Asbestos Risks Core Data    
Can Create Asbestos Status Core Data Ability to add/create new Asbestos Statuses for the selected client. Enables the Contact Types button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Asbestos Types Core Data Ability to add/create new Asbestos Types for the selected client. Enables the Contact Types button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Asset Conditions Core Data Provides the ability to create new Asset Conditions. Enables the Asset Conditions button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Asset Risks Core Data Ability to create new Asset Risks for use in the system  
Can Create Attendance Paused Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new Attendance Paused in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Audit Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new Audit Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Authorisation Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new Authorisation Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Building Types And Formats Core Data Allows User to create Building types and formats for a client. Enables the Types & Formats button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Clients Core Data Provides the ability to create new clients by copying previous existing clients. Enables the Copy Client button in the Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Contact Types Core Data Ability to add/create new contact types for the selected client. Enables the Contact Types button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Contract Cancellation Reasons Core Data Ability to create new Contract Cancellation Reasons for use in the system  
Can Create Contractor Zones Core Data    
Can Create Core Data Core Data Performs no action on its own, however it is a requirement to enable the other ‘Can Create’ permissions within Core Data  
Can Create Countries Core Data Ability to add/create new Countries for the selected client. Enables the System button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Credit Note Reasons Core Data    
Can Create Currencies Core Data Ability to add/create new Currencies for the selected client. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Custom Email Templates Core Data    
Can Create Document Types Core Data Ability to add/create new Document Types for the selected client. Enables the Document Types button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Equipment/Service Types Core Data Provides User ability to create equipment/service types against a client. Enables the Equipment/Service Types button. Can Create Core Data
Can Create Estates Core Data    
Can Create F-Gas Leak Detection Methods Core Data Ability to add/create new F-Gas Leak Detection Methods for the selected client. Enables the Asset button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create F-Gas Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new F-Gas Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create F-Gas Types Core Data Ability to add/create new F-Gas Types for the selected client. Enables the Asset button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Fix Types Core Data Ability to add/create new Fix Types for the selected client. Enables the Equipment & Services button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Invoice Unallocated Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new Unallocated Invoice Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Invoice Unapproved Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new Unapproved Invoice Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Locations Core Data Enables User to create Building levels, areas and locations. Enables the Locations button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Notifications Core Data Allows User create and order Notifications against a client. Enables the Notifications button in the Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Operational Zones Core Data    
Can Create Payment Terms Core Data Provides ability to add/create payment terms for a client and enables the Payment Terms button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Planned Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new Planned Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Portal FAQs Core Data Allows User create and order Portal FAQs against a Client. Enables the System button in the Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Ppm Task Groups Core Data    
Can Create Profiles Core Data User can add profiles to the system. The Profiles button is enabled in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Purchase Units Core Data Ability to add/create new Purchase Units in Core Data. Enables the Part button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Purchasing Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new Purchasing Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Purchasing Return Reasons Core Data Ability to create new Purchasing Return Reasons in the system  
Can Create Purchasing Work Order Priorities Core Data Ability to create new Work Order Priorities in the system (Purchasing)  
Can Create Quote Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new Quote Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Reactive Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new Reactive Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Reactive Work Order Priorities Core Data Ability to create new Work Order Priorities in the system (Purchasing)  
Can Create Regions Core Data Ability to add/create new Regions in Core Data. Enables the System button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Resource Groupings Core Data Ability to add/create new Resource Groupings in Core Data. Enables the Resource button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Review Departments Core Data Ability to add/create new Review Departments in Core Data. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Standards and Legislation Core Data Ability to add new standards and legislations against a client and enables the Standards/Legislations button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Symptoms Core Data Ability to create new Reactive Work Order Symptoms in the system  
Can Create Task Type Documents Core Data Provides the ability to add images to Equipment/Services Types. Enables the Image button on an Equipment/Service Type Can Edit Core Data, Can Edit Equipment Types, Can Edit Service Types
Can Create Tax Codes Core Data Ability to add/create new Tax Codes in Core Data. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Unit of Issue Core Data Ability to add/create new Units of Issue in Core Data. Enables the Part button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Units Of Measurement Core Data Ability to add new measurement units against the selected client. Enables the Measurement Units button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Users Core Data User can create Users and client specific Users. Enables the Access tab when creating People in the Person Detail screen Can Edit People, Can View People
Can Create Work Order Not Done Reasons Core Data    
Can Create Work Order Refusal Reasons Core Data Ability to add/create new Work Order Refusal Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab Can Create Core Data
Can Create Work Order Type Groups Core Data    
Can Create Work Order Types Core Data Provides ability to create new Work Order types against a client and enables the Work Order Types button in Core Data Can Create Core Data
Can Create Zero Accrual Reasons Core Data    
Can Delete Documents Core Data Provides the ability to delete Documents throughout the system  
Can Delete Task Type Documents Core Data Provides the ability to delete images from Equipment/Services Types. Enables the Image button on an Equipment/Service Type Can Edit Core Data, Can Edit Equipment Types, Can Edit Service Types
Can Edit Asbestos Risks Core Data    
Can Edit Asbestos Status Core Data Ability to edit Asbestos Statuses for the selected client. Enables the Contact Types button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Asbestos Types Core Data Ability to edit new Asbestos Types for the selected client. Enables the Contact Types button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Asset Conditions Core Data Gives the user the ability to edit Asset Conditions. Enables the Asset Conditions button in Core Data tab Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Asset Custom Data Specification Core Data Gives the user the ability to edit Asset Custom Data. Enables the Custom Data Specification button in Core Data Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Asset Risks Core Data Ability to edit Asset Risks within the system  
Can Edit Attendance Paused Reasons Core Data Ability to edit Attendance Paused Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Audit Reasons Core Data Allows User to edit all Audit Reasons against the selected client. Enables the Reasons drop down menu in Core Data Can Edit Core Data, Can Create Core Data
Can Edit Authorisation Reasons Core Data Ability to edit Authorisation Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Building Custom Data Specification Core Data Gives the user the ability to edit Building Custom Data. Enables the Custom Data Specification button in Core Data Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Building Groupings Core Data Allows User to edit Building Groupings against the selected client. Enables the Groupings drop down menu in Core Data Can Edit Core Data, Can Create Core Data
Can Edit Building Types and Formats Core Data Ability to edit Building types and formats against a client. Enables Types & Formats button in Core Data tab Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Client Configuration Core Data Provides User the ability to configure client information. Enables the Client Configuration button  Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Contact Types Core Data User can edit contact types against the selected client and enables the Contact Types button Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Contract Cancellation Reasons Core Data Ability to edit Contract Cancellation Reasons for use in the system  
Can Edit Contractor Zones Core Data    
Can Edit Core Data Core Data Performs no action on its own, however it is a requirement to enable the other ‘Can Edit’ permissions within Core Data  
Can Edit Countries Core Data Ability to edit Countries for the selected client. Enables the System button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Credit Note Reasons Core Data    
Can Edit Currencies Core Data Ability to edit Currencies for the selected client. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Custom Email Templates Core Data    
Can Edit Document Types Core Data Ability to edit Document Types for the selected client. Enables the Document Types button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Equipment Types Core Data Ability to change both equipment and service types for the chosen client Can Edit Core Data, Can View Equipment/Service Types
Can Edit Equipment/Service Keywords Core Data Provides ability to change the keywords against the selected equipment/service type Can Edit Core Data, Can View Equipment/Service Types
Can Edit Estates Core Data    
Can Edit F-Gas Leak Detection Methods Core Data Ability to edit F-Gas Leak Detection Methods for the selected client. Enables the Asset button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit F-Gas Reasons Core Data Ability to edit F-Gas Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit F-Gas Types Core Data Ability to edit F-Gas Types for the selected client. Enables the Asset button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Fix Types Core Data Ability to edit fix types by client and enables the Fix Types button in Core Data tab Can Edit Core Data, Can Create Core Data
Can Edit Inventory Types Core Data    
Can Edit Invoice Unallocated Reasons Core Data Ability to edit Unallocated Invoice Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Invoice Unapproved Reasons Core Data Ability to edit Unapproved Invoice Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Level/Area/Location Cost Codes Core Data Ability to amend the date ranges behind the Location Cost Codes Can Edit Core Data, Can Edit Locations
Can Edit Location Mapping Custom Data Specification Core Data Ability to edit the User Defined field names against the Custom Data for Location Mappings  
Can Edit Locations Core Data Provides the ability to edit levels, areas and locations against the specified client and enables the Locations drop down menu in the Core Data tab Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Notifications Core Data Provides the ability to edit notifications against the specified client and enables the Notifications button in the Core Data tab Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Operational Zones Core Data    
Can Edit Part Types Core Data Ability to edit part types by client and enables the Part Types button in Core Data tab Can Edit Core Data, Can Create Core Data
Can Edit Payment Terms Core Data Provides User the ability to edit the Management Company payment terms. Enables the Payment Terms button in Core Data Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Permissions Core Data Allows User to edit Permissions at their associated level. Enables the Permissions button in Core Data Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Person Custom Data Specification Core Data Ability to edit the User Defined field names against the Custom Data for People  
Can Edit Placeholders Core Data    
Can Edit Planned Reasons Core Data Allows User to edit all Planned Reasons against the selected client. Enables the Reasons drop down menu in Core Data Can Edit Core Data, Can Create Core Data
Can Edit Portal FAQs Core Data Allows User edit Portal FAQs against a Client. Enables the System button in the Core Data tab  
Can Edit Ppm Task Groups Core Data    
Can Edit Profiles Core Data

Ability to configure profiles within the system and show the Users associated to the profiles.

Enables the Profiles button as well as the Equipment/Service types button in Core Data

Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Public Holidays Core Data Ability to edit the Public Holidays listed in Core Data in the system  
Can Edit Purchase Units Core Data Ability to edit Purchase Units in Core Data. Enables the Part button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Purchasing Reasons Core Data Ability to edit Purchasing Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Purchasing Return Reasons Core Data Ability to edit Purchasing Return Reasons in the system  
Can Edit Purchasing Work Order Priorities Core Data Ability to edit Work Order Priorities in the system (Purchasing)  
Can Edit Quote Reasons Core Data Allows User to edit all Quote Reasons against the selected client. Enables the Reasons drop down menu in Core Data Can Edit Core Data, Can Create Core Data
Can Edit Reactive Reasons Core Data Allows User to edit all Reactive Reasons against the selected client. Enables the Reasons drop down menu in Core Data Can Edit Core Data, Can Create Core Data
Can Edit Reactive Work Order Priorities Core Data Ability to edit Work Order Priorities in the system (Purchasing)  
Can Edit Regions Core Data Ability to edit Regions in Core Data. Enables the System button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Resource Custom Data Specification Core Data Gives the user the ability to edit Resource Custom Data. Enables the Custom Data Specification button in Core Data Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Resource Groupings Core Data Ability to edit Resource Groupings in Core Data. Enables the Resource button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Review Departments Core Data Ability to edit Review Departments in Core Data. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Service Types Core Data Provides User ability to edit service types against a client. Enables the Equipment/Service Types button.  
Can Edit Symptoms Core Data Ability to edit Reactive Work Order Symptoms in the system  
Can Edit System Configuration Core Data    
Can Edit System Reasons Core Data    
Can Edit Task Type Cost Codes Core Data Ability to edit the cost code and sub cost code for an equipment/service type.  Can Edit Core Data, Can View Equipment/Service Types, Can Edit Equipment Types OR Can Edit Service Types
Can Edit Task Type Documents Core Data Provides the ability to edit images from Equipment/Services Types. Enables the Image button on an Equipment/Service Type Can Edit Core Data, Can Edit Equipment Types, Can Edit Service Types
Can Edit Task Type Name Core Data Ability to edit the task name for an equipment/service type.  Can Edit Core Data, Can View Equipment/Service Types, Can Edit Equipment Types OR Can Edit Service Types
Can Edit Tax Codes Core Data Ability to edit Tax Codes in Core Data. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Toolbar Buttons Core Data Ability to edit the Toolbar Button names in the system  
Can Edit Unit of Issue Core Data Ability to edit Units of Issue in Core Data. Enables the Part button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Units Of Measurement Core Data Provides User the ability to edit any units of measurement in the system against a client. Enables the Measurement Units button in Core Data Can Edit Core Data, Can Edit Units Of Measurement
Can Edit Users Core Data Allows User to edit and reset the passwords for any Users and client Users. Enables the Access tab when viewing/editing People in the Person Detail screen. Can Edit People, Can View People
Can Edit Work Order Custom Data Specification Core Data Gives the user the ability to edit Work Order Custom Data. Enables the Custom Data Specification button in Core Data Can Edit Core Data
Can Edit Work Order Not Done Reasons Core Data    
Can Edit Work Order Refusal Reasons Core Data Ability to edit Work Order Refusal Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can Edit Work Order Type Code Core Data    
Can Edit Work Order Type Cost Codes Core Data Ability to amend the date ranges behind the Work Order, Sub Work Order and Equipment/Service Type Cost Codes Can Edit Core Data, Can Edit Work Order Types, Can View Work Order Types
Can Edit Work Order Type Description Core Data Ability to edit the Name of a Work Order Type in the system  
Can Edit Work Order Type Groups Core Data    
Can Edit Work Order Types Core Data Provides ability to edit work order types for the selected client. Enables the Work Order Types button in Core Data Can Edit Core Data, Can View Work Order Types
Can Edit Zero Accrual Reasons Core Data    
Can Perform Core Data Localisation Bulk Core Data    
Can Send Custom Emails To Work Order Contact Core Data Ability to configure Workflow Emails to be sent to the Contact of a Work Order  
Can View Asbestos Risks Core Data    
Can View Asbestos Status Core Data Ability to view Asbestos Statuses for the selected client. Enables the Contact Types button in Core Data tab  
Can View Asbestos Types Core Data Ability to view new Asbestos Types for the selected client. Enables the Contact Types button in Core Data tab  
Can View Asset Conditions Core Data User has the ability to view the Asset Conditions in the system. Enables the Asset Conditions button in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Asset Risks Core Data Ability to view Asset Risks within the Core Data area of the system  
Can View Attendance Paused Reasons Core Data Ability to view Attendance Paused Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can View Audit Reasons Core Data Allows User to view Audit Reasons against the selected client. Enables the Reasons drop down menu in Core Data  
Can View Authorisation Reasons Core Data Ability to view Authorisation Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can View Building Types And Formats Core Data Provides ability to view Building types and formats against a client. Enables the Types & Formats button in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Contact Types Core Data Ability to view the contact types against a client. Enables Contact Types button in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Contract Cancellation Reasons Core Data Ability to view Contract Cancellation Reasons for use in the system  
Can View Contractor Zones Core Data    
Can View Core Data Core Data Performs no action on its own, however it is a requirement to enable the other ‘Can View’ permissions within Core Data  
Can View Countries Core Data Ability to view Countries for the selected client. Enables the System button in Core Data tab  
Can View Credit Note Reasons Core Data    
Can View Currencies Core Data Ability to view Currencies for the selected client. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab  
Can View Custom Email Templates Core Data    
Can View Document Types Core Data Ability to view Document Types for the selected client. Enables the Document Types button in Core Data tab  
Can View Equipment/Service Types Core Data Ability to view the equipment/service types against a client. Enables Equipment/Service Types button in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Estates Core Data    
Can View F-Gas Leak Detection Methods Core Data Ability to view F-Gas Leak Detection Methods for the selected client. Enables the Asset button in Core Data tab  
Can View F-Gas Reasons Core Data Ability to view F-Gas Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can View F-Gas Types Core Data Ability to view F-Gas Types for the selected client. Enables the Asset button in Core Data tab  
Can View Fix Types Core Data Ability to view fix types by client and enables the Fix Types button in Core Data tab  
Can View History Core Data Ability to view the History button against Core Data Items to see the last date/time and user who amended the Core Data Item  
Can View Invoice Unallocated Reasons Core Data Ability to view Unallocated Invoice Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can View Invoice Unapproved Reasons Core Data Ability to view Unapproved Invoice Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can View Locations Core Data Ability to view the levels, areas & locations against a client. Locations drop down menu in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Notifications Core Data Ability to view notifications setup against a client. Notifications button in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Operational Zones Core Data    
Can View Payment Terms Core Data Provides ability to view payment terms against a client. Enables Payment terms button in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Permissions Core Data Provides ability to view permissions at your Administration level and lower. Enables Permissions button in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Placeholders Core Data    
Can View Planned Reasons Core Data Allows User to view Planned Reasons against the selected client. Enables the Reasons drop down menu in Core Data  
Can View Portal FAQs Core Data Allows User view Portal FAQs against a Client. Enables the System button in the Core Data tab  
Can View Ppm Task Groups Core Data    
Can View Private Project Codes Core Data Ability to see and therefore select Project Codes marked as "Private"  
Can View Profiles Core Data Allows User to view profiles at their Administration Level and lower. Enables Profiles button in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Public Holidays Core Data Ability to view the Public Holidays listed in Core Data in the system  
Can View Purchase Units Core Data Ability to view Purchase Units in Core Data. Enables the Part button in Core Data tab  
Can View Purchasing Reasons Core Data Ability to view Purchasing Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can View Purchasing Return Reasons Core Data Ability to view Purchasing Return Reasons in the system  
Can View Purchasing Work Order Priorities Core Data Ability to view Work Order Priorities in the system (Purchasing)  
Can View Quote Reasons Core Data Allows User to view Quote Reasons against the selected client. Enables the Reasons drop down menu in Core Data  
Can View Reactive Reasons Core Data Allows User to view Reactive Reasons against the selected client. Enables the Reasons drop down menu in Core Data  
Can View Reactive Work Order Priorities Core Data Ability to view Work Order Priorities in the system (Purchasing)  
Can View Regions Core Data Ability to view Regions in Core Data. Enables the System button in Core Data tab  
Can View Resource Groupings Core Data Ability to view Resource Groupings in Core Data. Enables the Resource button in Core Data tab  
Can View Review Departments Core Data Ability to view Review Departments in Core Data. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab  
Can View Symptoms Core Data Ability to view Reactive Work Order Symptoms in the system  
Can View Task Type Documents Core Data Provides the ability to view images from Equipment/Services Types. Enables the Image button on an Equipment/Service Type  
Can View Tax Codes Core Data Ability to view Tax Codes in Core Data. Enables the Finance button in Core Data tab  
Can View Toolbar Buttons Core Data Ability to view the Toolbar Button names in the system  
Can View Unit of Issue Core Data Ability to view Units of Issue in Core Data. Enables the Part button in Core Data tab  
Can View Units Of Measurement Core Data Ability to view units of measurement setup against a client. Measurement Units button in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Work Order Not Done Reasons Core Data    
Can View Work Order Refusal Reasons Core Data Ability to view Work Order Refusal Reasons in Core Data. Enables the Reasons button in Core Data tab  
Can View Work Order Type Groups Core Data    
Can View Work Order Types Core Data Ability to view the work order types against a client. Enables Work Order Types button in Core Data tab Can View Core Data
Can View Zero Accrual Reasons Core Data