Asbestos Risks

An Asbestos Record can have a Risk set against it. Asbestos Risks provide extra safety information to the User upon starting works at the Site. The Asbestos Risk section in Core Data allows the Client to specify other Asbestos Risks should they require other Risks (or would like to rename the provided Risks).

  1.  Choose Building > Asbestos Risks from the Core Data menu.

  2. Once open, a list of Asbestos Risks is displayed. Here, it is possible to choose which Risks are applicable by ticking and un-ticking the desired items. There is also the ability to add items using the "Add" button or to edit items using the "Edit" button.

  3. When adding, on clicking the Add button, the Add Asbestos Risk screen will appear. All that is required here is the name of the Risk and a Value. The Value determines which order the Risk will appear in the drop down on the Asbestos Record. Click "OK" to apply the changes.

  4. After selecting "Edit", the Edit Asbestos Risk screen is displayed. As with the "Add" function, all that is required here is a change of the name of the Risk and the Value. Click "OK" to apply the changes.

Once all the changes have been made, click “Save” to apply them.