Creating an Asbestos Record Introduction

Asbestos can be found in Buildings and contractors will need to be warned of this if they are to carry out a job at these sites. This can be done by creating Asbestos Records. To create an Asbestos Record, the User will need to click the "Create New Asbestos" button. 
1. The first step is to select the Client that will be used. For information on how to do this, see the Client Selection page.
2. The New Asbestos Item screen will then open. Below is a description of each of the fields and what they do:

Pictures can be used to upload any pictures of the asbestos. This can be done using the Add/Edit/View Documents and ticking the “Store as thumbnail?” check box.

Building is a pop up screen where the Building, which this asbestos record is for, can be selected. This pop up will show all of the Buildings which the current User has permission to view.

Advisory is a tick box which if ticked, disabled the Location field - this is to be used for Asbestos 'holding' records, where asbestos is present and a link to the documentation is provided, but the full individual Asbestos information is not available in the system.

Location is a pop up screen of all of the locations which are logged against the selected Building. Choose the desired location by highlighting it and clicking ok.

Material Description is a freeform field in which the details of the material where the asbestos has been found, or is suspected, can be entered.

Approximate Amount (m2) is the approximate amount of asbestos which is present.

Analysis Result is a drop down list of the types of asbestos to select from.

Asbestos Status is a drop down selection which it is possible to choose the current status of the asbestos.

Reference is a freeform field to be used to give this asbestos record a reference.

Survey Completed By is a freeform field to enter the name of the person who completed the asbestos survey.

Date Completed is a date field which provides the ability to specify the date that the asbestos survey was completed.

Date Last Checked is a date field which provides the ability specify the date that this asbestos was last checked.

Next Visit Date is a date field which provides the ability specify the date that this asbestos record is due a revisit/reinspection.

Risk is a drop down list of the types of risk (for example, Low, Medium and High) of this particular Asbestos record.

Notes is a freeform field where additional information can be added.
3. Once all the relevant data has been entered, click “Save” to apply the new Asbestos Record.