Sent Emails List

The Sent Emails List displays all the emails that have been sent from the system. These could be emails assigning Work Orders to Resources, informing Clients that a Work Order has been cancelled or providing notification updates against Work Orders. Upon opening, the list defaults to only show the emails that have occurred today. As with the Incoming Emails List, by right-clicking the list and selecting "Select Date..." it is possible to show the emails by specific dates up to 7 days before the specified date.
It should be noted that emails are sent depending on the culture (language setting) of the recipient. This means that it is possible to send the same email but with different contents to different people in different countries. The culture is taken from the Person Record of the email recipient (please see the People and Profilessection for more details). These will all be shown in the Sent Emails List when they have been successfully sent.
This list displays less columns than the previous two as it only shows the date it was sent, who it was sent to, the subject of the email and the Body column where it's possible to view the details of the email sent by clicking the "View" button. This is shown in the screen below:

As with the Failed Emails List, double-clicking or selecting the email and clicking "Next" will display the details of the email. This screen works in the same way as the Failed Emails. Please see the Failed Emails List page for more information on this section.
Note: It is not possible to view the contents of Password emails as these have confidential information contained within them that should only be seen by the User it was sent to.
Note: In some cases, when the setting is on, it is possible to no-reply emails. In doing so, the detail will be added to the affected WO as a public note. Please contact the admin team to find out which of these emails can be responded to.