Affected Work Orders

The Affected Work Orders screen will appear once an action is performed on the Contract that will affect any existing Work Orders. These actions include removing a Building or changing the date of a Building on the Contract or even cancelling the Contract itself.
1. After performing a Work Order affecting action, the Affected Work Orders Screen is shown. The Work Orders shown in this are either Work Orders raised as closed, PPMs that are not completed or Reactive Work Orders that have not yet reached Pending Attendance:

Note: The "Start" and "End" columns show the Visit Start and End Dates for PPMs (from the Building Task Level), or the Work Start and End Date for non-PPM Work Orders - where an 'up to' is set on a Reactive Work Order, the Start Date will be this 'up to' date.
2. From here the User can decide what they would like to happen to those affected Work Orders:
Disassociate: this will remove the Work Order(s) from the contract but will still be allocated to the selected resource.  This action can only be used with Reactive Work Orders.  If you are not de-allocating from a Resource all reactive Work Orders will need to be disassociated to enable the OK button

De-Allocate: this will remove the Work Order(s) from the contract and the resource.  These Work Order(s) will then need to be
re-allocated and assigned to your chosen Resource.  This action can only be used with Reactive Work Orders.

Cancel: this will cancel the Work Orders(s) altogether.  This functionality is only applicable to PPM's and is the only option available for PPM Work Orders (please be aware when doing this that no cancellation email will be sent to the resource).

Ignore: This will only be available for PPMs that overlap with the cancellation date.   Any PPMs whose Financial Start and End Dates partially overlap with the cancellation date set will be candidates for either cancellation, if it is known that they will not be attended, or ignored if they need to remain open for attendance.
3. This screen is split between PPM's and Reactive.  To switch between these click either the "Show PPM" or "Show Reactive" buttons.
4. Once the Work Orders have been selected and action is chosen, clicking the "OK" button will carry out the action(s) specified. Clicking 'Cancel' will return the User to the previous screen.