Reinstate Work Order

There may be occasions when the User needs to Reinstate a cancelled Work Order. This can be done by finding the cancelled work order you wish to reinstate and clicking on the "Reinstate Work Order" menu option from either Call In, Call Out or Agent actions.

  Reinstate To Previous Status

1. After clicking on Reinstate > To Previous Status, this window will open:

2. Enter any relevant notes into the text box and click "OK".  The following message will be displayed.

3. This acts as a reminder to the User to ensure they inform the Resource that this Work Order has now been reinstated.  Clicking on "OK" will take the User back to the Helpdesk Work Page and the Work Order will be returned to it's previous status before it was cancelled.
Reinstate With Visit
1.After clicking on Reinstate > With Visit, this window will open:

2. The User will then have the choice to set the Work Order to paused using "Revisit Required" or complete it using "Work Completed". This works in the same way as the Stop Job process.

Note: It is also possible to reinstate a Cancelled PPM Work Order. The Work Order will then be re-associated to the original Contract and can then be completed with any certification requirements as part of that PPM as it normally would.

Note: If the WO was in authorisation when it was cancelled, the User is presented with the option to reinstate it into authorisation or to bypass so long as it can go into authorisation.