Stop Job > Admin - PPM with Assets

When the Resource has completed the work on a PPM with Assets, this will need to be logged against a PPM Work Order. This can be done in the following way:
1. First thing is to find the work order in question.
2. From the Agent Actions menu select Stop Job > Admin.
3. The User will then be asked if the Work Order requires a Revisit or not.  Clicking Yes will put the Work Order into a paused state for the Resource to re-attend at a later date.

4. Clicking No will display this next screen.

5. The User will then be presented with the following screen.  From this screen, you can select if the work on the asset was completed, not yet worked on, not available this visit or no longer present at the site.  If there is more than one asset on the PPM work order the User will need to select an option for each asset. Clicking on Next will take the User to the following screen (which they will have skipped to if there was only one asset available in the previous step):

This is a screenshot of multiple assets on a PPM Work Order.

The User must select an option from the drop down list for each asset on the PPM.  If choosing "Not yet worked on" or "Not available this visit then upon clicking the "Next" button the User will be taken to the Reason for revisit screen. If pausing the Work Order, the User will have the option select "Partially worked on" which will allow them to parts and then further amounts of time regarding this Asset.
6. From here the User must select the reason for a revisit, add a description, and set an ETA accordingly.  Clicking "Next" will then take the User to the Summary screen.

7. If the User selects "Completed" or "No longer present on-site" then upon clicking "Next" the User will be taken to the Summary Screen.

8. To confirm these details and complete the Work Order click the "Save" button.  If there are details that are incorrect click the "Back" button to amend them.
9. If FGAS is present then clicking Next will take the User to the following screen:

10. From here the User can complete the FGAS details (this will need to be completed for each FGAS asset selected):
Has Gas been removed?: Yes/No
If yes, the type and quantity of gas will need to be completed along with the reason for removal (these are all pre-defined fields with the exception of quantity)

Has Gas been added?: Yes/No
If yes, the type and quantity of gas will need to be completed (type is a pre-defined field)

Has a leak been detected?: Yes/No
Select the detection method from the list of pre-defined methods in the drop down selection
Add the location

Enter the Engineer Reg Number
11. Clicking "Next" will take the User to the final Summary screen.  This screen will summarise all the details just entered.

12. To confirm these details and complete the Work Order click the "Save" button. If there are details that are incorrect click the "Back" button to amend them.