Accounts Code
Unique alpha-numeric code associated to the Accounts
This is the expected cost of a Work Order. Before attendance, the Accrual is based on the Average Order Value for this Work Order Type. After attendance it is based on the rates logged against the Resource
Is the address which you want to list against a Building or Resource
Answer Status (RFI)
When creating an RFI you have the ability to set your questions to being mandatory or optional for the User to complete
Answer Type (RFI)
There are pre-defined types of answer for you to choose from when creating an RFI. Whatever is chosen here will determine what criteria you will need to complete for each question
Average Order Value - this is associated to a Work Order when actual value is not known or not used to enable budget control
Approved Date (Finance)
Specific date to record and identify when an invoice has been approved for payment
A specific area within a Location Mapping. For example, Front of House, Back of House, Offices
A fire-resistant mineral once used in insulation and home products that can cause respiratory diseases (www.hse.gov.uk for more information)
A specific item of equipment which is deemed necessary to track
Asset Association
This is determining whether an Asset is associated to a PPM task on a contract
Asset Known As Name
Informal or abbreviated use of Asset title
Asset Non Tagged
An Asset which it would not be possible/suitable to tag. For example, a New Roof, Car Park Re-surfacing
Asset Number
Unique alpha-numeric value associated to an Asset typically affixed to the Asset.
Asset Purchase Date
Date from which the Asset was procured from the Supplier
Asset Purchase Price
The total value associated to the purchase of an Asset
Asset Removed Date
Official date associated to the removal of an Asset from service within a Building
Asset Tag
Unique alpha-numeric value associated to an Asset typically affixed to the Asset.
Assign Method
Is the method by which the Resource will receive the Work Order. For Example, Email or Phone
Assign Mode
Is the mode by which a Work Order will be assigned. For Example, automatically or by manual intervention via the call centre
Automated Time and Attendance System - an IVR phone system dedicated to the operational management of works
Attendance By Date
See Contractual SLA Date
Attendance Start Date
Actual Start Date of the attendance by the Resource
Attendance Stop Date
Actual Stop Date of the attendance by the Resource
Auto Accept
Determines whether the Resource should confirm that they are accepting a Work Order they have received, or whether the system auto accepts the Work Order on the Resources behalf and progresses the Work Order straight to Pending Attendance
Auto Generation Days
If PPM Work Orders are being automatically generated by the application, how many days in advance of their start day would you like them to be generated
Availability (Building)
Is a log of the times when the Building is open, closed or occupied. This enables you to more accurately log Resource to attend site
Availability (Resource)
Is a log of the times when the Resource is in-hours, out of hours or not available. This enables you to more accurately log Resource to attend site at the time which will be the most cost effective
Between (Work Order Scheduler)
Set in the Scheduler as the Scheduled Start and Finish Date. Achievement of Service Level is based on Resource attending between these dates
Is a financial plan, and is a way of listing your planned expenditure. This can be split between capital and revenue expenditure
Build Date
Date when the Building was built
A premises which is relevant for ongoing contract management. For Example, the premises where service is provide to client
Building Availability
Defines the availability of the premises. For Example, Occupied, Trading and Closed times
Building Events
Identifies a specific activity at a Building which is outside of normal practice and may affect work; For Example, store closed for refit
Building Groupings
Building records can be assigned to certain groups in order for you to manage and report on spend, up time, faults with more clarity
Building Groups
Designated collection/identification of Buildings
Building Known As
Informal or abbreviated use of Building Name
Building Number
Unique numerical value associated to Building
Building Status
Current circumstance of a Building. For Example, Trading, Occupied, Vacant.
Building Type/Format
Function of a Building. For Example, Supermarket, Office Block
Calculated Cost
The system calculated cost of a Work Order. Using either a Fixed Cost or a calculation based on the rates and time on site of the Resource
Can Decline? (RFI)
If this is ticked when creating an RFI it means that the User can refuse to complete the RFI
Can view all Buildings?
If this is ticked against a User, then they will automatically be able to view any new Buildings which are added to the application. If this is not ticked then you will need to manually add a new Building against
Capex Code
This is coding which is used to track your capital expenditure
Capital expenditures (CAPEX or capex) are expenditures creating future benefits. A capital expenditure is incurred when a business spends money either to buy fixed assets or to add to the value of an existing fixed asset with a useful life that extends beyond the taxable year.
Category (RFI)
RFIs are split into categories and then each category contains a set of questions
Cease Occupation Date
Official date from which Building inhabitance  will end
Cease Ownership Date
Official date from which Building ownership will end
Cease Trading Date
Official date from which business at Building will end
Certificate Association
Against a PPM task you can state whether a certificate is expected at the end of the work. You can state whether a certificate is expected for the whole Work Order, or for each Asset which make up the Work Order
Child Resource
Refers to Tier 2 and Branch Resources
Denotes the hierarchy relationship between Assets. For Example, A subordinate Asset is the child of a tagged Asset
Construction Industry Scheme (see www.hmrc.gov.uk for more information)
An external company for whom the Management Company provides contracted services
Access is not available at Building
Company Registration Number
The unique and officially recognised numerical value associated to an individual company (see www.companieshouse.gov.uk for more information)
Company Type
The industry recognised legal definition of a companies financial registration, e.g sole trader, corporation (see www.hmrc.gov.uk or www.companieshouse.gov.uk for more information)
A professional who provides advice in a particular area of expertise such as management, accountancy, the environment, entertainment,
Non-repairable items or repair parts that can be discarded more economically than they can be repaired or that are consumed in use. For Example, screws, paper
Contact Name
This is the field in which you enter the name of a contact for either a Building or a Resource
Contact Type
A category applied to a Person to determine the type of contact this person is. For example, Account Director, Regional Manager, Finance Administrator
Formalised contractual arrangement between a management company and its contractors
Contract Code
Unique alpha-numerical value associated to a contract
Contract Description
Free form allowance to provide an overview of a contract to aid with referencing
Contract End Date
The Last day of the very last period of a Contract
Contract Financial End Date
Financial End Date of the PPM Period. Often used for Invoicing and Accounting purposes
Contract Financial Start Date
Financial Start Date of the PPM Period. Often used for Invoicing and Accounting purposes
Contract Managed Date
This is the date that you began managing the contracts for this Building
Contract Not Managed Date
This is the date that you stopped managing the contracts for this Building
Contract Notes
These are freeform notes which can be entered against a contract
Contract Period Building End Date
End Date (inclusive) of a Building within a Contract Period. This would initially be the same as the Contract Period End Date unless the building was shortened on the Contract
Contract Period Building Start Date
Start Date of a Building within a Contract Period. This would initially be the same as the Contract Period Start Date unless the building was introduced to the Contract with a later date
Contract Period End Date
End Date (inclusive) of a Contract Period
Contract Period Start Date
Start Date (inclusive) of a Contract Period
Contract PPM Period Visit End Date
For a PPM Period this is the date by when the Work Order is expected to be completed. This date sets the Work Order Scheduled Finish Date on the Work Order
Contract PPM Period Visit Start Date
For a PPM Period this is the date by when the Work Order is expected to have been started. This date sets the Work Order Scheduled Start Date on the Work Order
Contract Signed
Is a tick box which allows you to show if a physical contract has been signed
Contract Start Date
The start date of the very first period of a Contract
Contract Types
Pre-defined categories to denote the contractual structure or services e.g comprehensive, pay as you go
Person(s) that attend and undertake work at site, a type of Resource
Contractors Reference
Is a field on the contract which allows you to record the contractors reference for this contract
Core Data
The information which is referenced throughout the system via table lookups, and is required prior to live use of the database
Cost/Sub Cost Code
Unique alpha-numerical value associated to the cost of a Building
This is the field in addresses where you add the country details
This is the field in addresses where you add the county details
Create Log In Details?
If this field is ticked on a contact record, then you can proceed with setting up a username and password
Credit Limit
A limit associated to the total monetary spend pre-authorised on an account with a Resource