Date Last Checked
This is a date field against an Asset, where you can state the last time that this Asset was checked to confirm that all of the details recorded against it were correct
Decimal Places (RFI)
This is a field which allows you to state how many decimal places are allowed for value questions on your RFI
Default Screen
The initial page which will load on logging on to the system. This is defined through the User profile
This is a description field which can be used to describe what this item is and what it is used for. This field is found in core data sections of the application
Depreciation Period
This is the period over which you are going to depreciate the cost of the Asset
This is a description field which can be used to describe what this item is and what it is used for. This field is found in core data sections of the application
Delivery Location
Against a Building you have the ability to state what the delivery location is
Display Name
The formal and full name of an individual
Ostara allows for documents to be uploaded into the system in various modules, such as Buildings, Assets, Contracts and Work Orders
Email Address
This is the field in which you would enter the email address for a contact
End Date
This is a date field in which you stipulate the date at which you want something to finish
Equipment & Service Type
A specific naming of a piece of Equipment or a Service. For Example, ride on scrubber. This is also sometimes referred to as a Task Type 
Events (Work Orders)
Events are historical records of every action which has taken place on this Work Order
Exact (Work Order Scheduler)
Set in the Scheduler as the Scheduled Start Date and Finish Date as the same date and time. Achievement of Service Level is based on Resource attending at the time specified
Excluded Client(s)
Specific Clients which are not covered by a Resource, SRA or contract
Existing Asset
When creating a new Asset, you can state whether this is replacing an existing Asset, if so, you can enter the details of the existing Asset
This is the field in which you enter the fax number of the contact
The module of the system which includes financial periods, budgeting and invoices
Finance Notes (Contracts)
This field allows you to enter any relevant financial notes against the contract. These notes are displayed to the finance team during the invoice process
Finance Period
The period which denotes a company's financial year
Finance Period End Date
This is the date at which your financial period ends
Finance Period Start Date
This is the date at which your financial period starts
Fix Codes
Denotes the actions taken to repair an Equipment Type. For Example, part replaced
Fix Types
Denotes the area in which the fault was identified. For Example, motor
For Attention Of
When entering an address against a Building or a Resource, you may wish to enter a specific persons details.
Format Changed Date
Official date from which Building type/format changed
When creating a Building you have the ability to state if this Building record is a franchise or not, so is it another company who are residing in this Building?
This is how often you want something to happen
Frequency of Visits
When creating a PPM against a contract, you will need to state how often you want the Resource to attend site and carry out this PPM.