Parent Asset
Denotes the hierarchy relationship between Assets. For Example, A tagged Asset is the parent of a subordinate Asset
Parent Resource
Refers to Tier 1 and Head Office Resources
This is required along with a Username to access the application or the portal
Payment Currency
Pre-defined and legally recognised currency in which payments associated to account will be paid in
Payment Terms
Pre-agreed timeframe within which payments must be made.
The rights agreed and assigned to a specific User profile
Placement in Workflow
This is the point in the workflow that you would like your RFI to be asked
Planned Reasons
The pre-defined reasons why scheduled work would be carried out e.g legislative checks
Portal Login
Against a contact, you can determine if you would like to give them access to view the Ostara Portal. If you want to give them access, then this field needs to be ticked
Positive Weighting
This is where you determine what the overall pass mark of the RFI is
Post Code
This is the field in which you enter the post code of the address of the Building or Resource
Planned Preventative Maintenance Work Orders. This is planned work which is undertaken to prevent a piece of equipment from going into disrepair
PPM Frequency
This is the frequency that a PPM must be carried out
Pre Qualification Questionnaire
PQQ Approved
This PQQ status shows that you have approved this PQQ and so this Resource can now be allocated Work Orders
PQQ Expiry Date
This is the date that the PQQ expires and will need to be reviewed
PQQ Refused
This PQQ status shows that you have refused this PQQ and the Resource need to provide further information
PQQ Rejected
This PQQ status shows that you have rejected this PQQ and the Resource can not be allocated Work Orders
PQQ Submitted
This PQQ status shows that the Resource have submitted their PQQ for your approval
Pre-qualification Access
When creating login details for a contact, you will be asked to confirm what type of access to the portal they require. Pre-qualification access gives them the ability to see and manage the PQQ
Pref. Assign Method
The preferred method of providing Work Order numbers and information to a Resource. For Example, by phone, by email
Primary Building
This field allows you to state against a User what their primary Building is
Priority (SLAs)
This field can be used to determine what priority you deem this type of work to be. For Example, 1,2,3 or A,B,C
The pre-defined criteria or permissions associated to a User access rights
Profile Permissions
The pre-defined authorisations for database access/controls associated to a profile
Permit to Work books are used by Resource when they attend site. The book numbers are logged against the Building, so that we can validate that the Resource is at the correct Building
PTW Book date sent
This is the date that the PTW book was sent to the Building
PTW Book End Number
This is the end number of the permit to work book sent to the Building
PTW Book Start Number
This is the start number of the permit to work book sent to the Building
Purchase Date
This is the date that you purchased an Asset
Purchase Price
This is the price that you paid for an Asset
Question Content (RFI)
This is a freeform field in which you enter the wording for your question
Question Instructions (RFI)
This is a freeform field in which you enter any instructions which will help the User when completing the RFI
A written notification of the requirement and cost associated to works which cannot be completed as reactive or PPM
Quote Reasons
The pre-defined criteria which stipulates why a quotation is required for specific works. For Example, end of life equipment replacement
These are the costs charged by a Resource for attending site to undertake work. These can be logged against different times and days and they are used to calculate the expected cost of a Work Order
The operational element of work
Reactive Parts Value (Contracts)
This is the parts value which you are setting for any reactive Work Orders raised against this contract
Reactive Reasons
The pre-defined criteria which stipulates why a reactive attendance is required. For Example, wear & tear breakdown
Reason Code
This is the reason why a Work Order is being raised
Remaining Surface Area
Result of combined floor space measurements after deduction of total sales surface area
Removed Date
This is the date that an Asset was removed from use
Repair Agent (Resource)
Person(s) that doesn’t attend site but repairs off site
Replace Existing Equipment?
If this is ticked when creating a new Asset, you are stating that this Asset will be taking over from an already existing Asset
See Glossary of Reports document for more information
Requires Meter Reading (Contracts)
If this is ticked against a PPM task, then this Work Order will not be able to be completed until a meter reading is added to it
Internally or externally contracted personnel to provide specific client services.
Resource Count (Contracts)
This allows you to state how many engineers you will permit on site for each Work Order raised on this contract
Resource Name
This is the name by which a Resource is known. It is their trading name
Resource Number
Unique alpha-numerical value associated to a Resource. This is system generated
Resource Type
Pre-defined categories to denote the functions of a Resource. For Example, contractor, repairs agent, supplier
Responsible For PQQ
If this is ticked against a contact record in Resource, it means that this person is the contact for any PQQ queries. This person will receive any emails regarding PQQ login details
Income that a company receives from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to customers.
RFI Association
This determines what this RFI is associated to. What is chosen here will determine which fields on the RFI then become mandatory
RFI Description
This is freeform field to enter a description of what this RFI is
RFI Name
This is a freeform field to enter the name of your RFI
RFI Unique Reference
This is a system generated reference for this RFI