Valid From (RFI)
Is the date that the RFI is valid from
Valid To (RFI)
Is the date that the RFI is valid to
Validate Date (finance)
Specific date to record and identify when validation has taken place to confirm an invoice can been approved for payment
Value per WO failure
This is the amount which is charged to the Resource for each Work Order where they haven’t met the criteria set in the incentive credits tab of a contract
Value Added Tax (see www.hmrc.gov.uk for more information)
VAT Code
Unique numerical value to identify VAT registration (see www.hmrc.gov.uk for more information)
VAT Exempt
An exemption from the legal requirement for VAT  (see www.hmrc.gov.uk for more information)
VAT Number
Unique numerical value to identify VAT registration (see www.hmrc.gov.uk for more information)
A manufacturer or suppliers guarantee that a procured piece or equipment will perform the function intended during an timeframe following purchase. Often accompanied by parts or labour cover if fault developes during warranty period
Warranty Expiry Date (Asset)
Official dates/timeframe associated to expiry of manufacturers warranty
Warranty Resource
This is where you choose the Resource with whom the warranty of your Asset is held
Warranty Type
This is where you show what type of warranty you have on this Asset
Website URL
Uniform Resource Locator; can be thought of as the "address" of a web page and is sometimes referred to informally as a "web address."
Weight Restrictions (Building)
Numerical Value of a physical weight limitation at a Building
Weightings (RFI)
This is where you determine what the weight of this question is in relation to the pass or fail of this RFI
Width Restrictions (Building)
Numerical Value of a physical width limitation at a Building
Work Order Completion Date
Date when Work Order has its final attendance and is progressed to a status 5.xx
Work Order Contractual SLA Date
The best Attendance Service Level possible for a Work Order, as calculated by the SRA/Contract Settings, this is not the scheduled start date
Work Order Creation Date
Creation Date of a Work Order
Work Order ETA Date
Estimated Time of Arrival – as set by the Resource (see also Planned Start Date)
Work Order Events
A log of actions carried out against a Work Order. For Example, Resource Assigned, ETA Provided
Work Order First Assignment Date
Date that the Work Order was first assigned to a Resource
Work Order Fix By
The best Fix By Service Level possible for a Work Order, as calculated by the SRA/Contract Settings
Work Order Number
A unique numerical value associated to a specific task to be conducted, e.g repair, purchase, service
Work Order Planned Finish Date
See Estimated Time of Arrival
Work Order Planned Start Date
See Estimated Time of Arrival
Work Order Query
Enables the User to define and save Work Order lists with specific and changeable criteria.
Work Order Scheduled Finish Date
Date when the Work Order is required to be completed by. Based on SLA or Client Request (if SLA overridden). On a PPM this is the same as the Contract PPM Period Visit End Date
Work Order Scheduled Start Date
Date when the Work Order is required to be Started by. Based on SLA or Client Request (if SLA overridden). On a PPM this is the same as the Contract PPM period building Visit Start Date
Work Order Type
A specific naming or category which defines a group of similar works e.g Electrical, Security
Work Page
The page through which the helpdesk functionality would carry out their Work Order tasks