My Outstanding Jobs

Searching in the Jobs List

If the job number is already known then, rather than using the "Filter..." option to narrow down the results to find it easier, the "Search..." option should be used. "Search..." allows User to enter the number of the job and locate the job without... Read More

Filtering the Jobs List

If there are too many items on the Jobs List or the desired jobs are a few pages in on the list then it is possible to filter the list down by using the "Filter..." option. The "Filter..." option provides a variety of ways for the User to narrow down... Read More

My Outstanding Jobs Introudction

The Portal provides Users with the ability to view any outstanding jobs for the Buildings they have access to via the “My Outstanding Jobs” pie chart on the home page. These are jobs which are yet to be completed by the relevant Contractor ... Read More

Exporting the Jobs List

Sometimes it may be required by the User to view all Jobs in their Jobs List in a single list without switching pages. If that is the case then they can use the "Export" function. "Export" allows the User to export the entire Jobs List to a CSV file.... Read More