Batching Introduction

About the Batching Module
The Batching module of Ostara is a user friendly interface which enables the user to set up rules within the Work Orders Module that will enable Reactive Work Orders to be batched together for a single Building before sending out to the resource. The system will hold any Work Orders (Children) raised that meet the specified criteria until a defined threshold is reached before combining all the Reactive Work Orders together into a single Work Order (Parent).  This process will result in a single call out for the batched Work Orders.  The Child Work Orders are then Cancelled and never issued out to a Resource.
Information that can be set:
    Batch Rule Name (short name)
    Batch Rule Description (detailed description)
    Count Release Threshold
    Quantity Release Threshold
    Valid from and to dates
Areas that Rules can be applied to are:
    Work Order Types
    Equipment/Service Types
    Reason Codes
Pre-Requisites for setting up Work Orders:
The following information needs to be existent in the system before Batching Rules can be created:
    Work Order Types
This is what the Batching module looks like: