Invoices Sub Menu

Invalidate Invoice

It is possible that once an Invoice has been validated, a reason to invalidate it may occur. This can be done in the system. To invalidate an Invoice, perform the following:     1. Find the Invoice using the Invoice Search functionality (the... Read More

Submit Invoice for Payment

Once Invoices have been both approved and validated, they can finally be submitted for payment. To set an Invoice to Payment Submission, follow the below:     1. Find the Invoice using the Invoice Search functionality (the Invoice must be at a... Read More

Validate Invoice

Once an Invoice has been input onto the system it will need to go through two steps before it can be submitted for payment. These stages are Approval and Validation. Invoices can be validated once they have been approved. To validate an Invoice,... Read More

Delete Invoice

There may be times where an Invoice is no longer needed and needs to be removed from the system. This can be done using the "Delete Invoice" button.     1. Find the Invoice using the Invoice Search functionality, highlight the Invoice to be deleted... Read More

Bulk Validate Invoice

If there are a large amount of Invoices that need to be validated then it is possible to perform a Bulk Validate using the "Bulk Validate Invoices" button. Below are steps on this process:     1. After clicking "Bulk Validate Invoices", choose the... Read More

Invoices Sub Menu Introduction

Assign to Work Order  Validate Invoice  Invalidate Invoice  Bulk Validate Invoice  Submit Invoice for Payment  Delete Invoice  Confirm WO invoiced to Client  Read More

Assign to Work Order

To progress Unallocated Invoices through to payment, they need to be assigned to valid Work Orders once the Work Order Numbers are known. This can be done by using the "Assign To Work Order" button and by performing the following:     1. From the... Read More

Confirm WO invoiced to Client

As part of the Invoice Management process, it may be possible that Users wish to make note that their Invoices or a single Invoice has been invoiced to their Clients for a particular Work Order. This is done via the "Confirm WO Invoiced to Client"... Read More